I really like this game. It's simple but really fun and challenging. I find I've gotten a lot quicker at scanning and finding the balls!
I find this game intriguing, entertaining, and cognitively stimulating. Certainly, research has shown similar paradigms to those tested herein helping increase executive functions. Executive functions are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, filter distractions, and are integral to self-regulation. Moreover, all of the aforementioned tasks are crucial for learning and development. Thank you for melding entertainment and development.
Really cool concept!
Found your game on reddit. Your story's an inspiration. I found the levels where the balls are all one color to actually be easier than the earlier levels. Fun game though.
Fun game, type of game where you just want to play another round. Reddit brought me here so good marketing techniques to the developer and a great finished product!! Inspired me to carry on working on my coding projects haha
Really cool idea! I had lots of fun racing to find Balldo before my friends did!
A nice simple hybrid game.
This game is hands down the best game I've ever seen.